Personal Coaching

More Power, Productivity, and Performance

I offer 1:1 online coaching conversations. It is your personal space for your most important topics. It can help you get clarity about your goals, discover the strengths that empower you to reach them, get unstuck, plan the next steps, and stay on track. We will systematically eliminate everything that stands in the way of creating the future you want.

Coaching has the power to help you generate insights that can fully transform your life and help you take action.

Scroll down to read how it works.

Topic examples:

  • Dealing with change in your life, e.g. a new step in your career, including leadership roles;

  • Achieving clarity about your goals, career, and the future you want for yourself;

  • Increasing confidence and improving communication;

  • Building your mental six-pack for more resilience and strength;

  • Reaching the zone of your creativity and performance;

  • Dealing with high pressure and stress;

  • Increasing your productivity and improving time management;

  • Professional and personal growth - the next level you.

Our conversations take place online in Zoom. More details about retainer packages.

You can benefit from my experience, professional training, and continuous development.

Depending on your needs, your individual package can include other services like consulting or training.

Next step
Schedule your first conversation with Alexander: No risk involved, first coaching is free of charge.

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.

Source: International Coaching Federation

How it works

During coaching client usually does a lot of thinking, can reflect, and have a very deep and meaningful conversation. The client decides what topic will be discussed. The topic can be related to business, career, relationships, life, and personal development.

I will listen very carefully - something that rarely happens in our everyday lives. My listening is non-judgemental, you are the expert in your life. I will ask you some powerful questions. Give you opportunities to change perspectives, get insights, learn, grow, and decide how to move forward, step by step.

You are in control of what happens during the conversation. You own your decisions and are staying accountable for them.

Do you have any questions? Get in touch